Hello World
I am just another web developer

Who am I?
Hi, my name is Stoyan Delev, and I'm from Burgas, Bulgaria.
Currently, I’m working as a web developer, but I have always wanted to be an astronaut, a climber, a footballer, an architect and so many other things, but above all, I’ve always wanted to create and explore, and that's what I like most in my job.
I’m keen on indie rock and when it’s possible I prefer it live. I’m in love with watching and playing football and every week I support my local team as a true fan.
What am I doing?
I build for the web for almost 20 years, and I love doing it and truly believe that the Web is the most amazing platform ever created.
Nowadays my focus is on performance and accessibility, using them to improve and bring the best user experience to everyone.
I currently use mainly React stack.
3rd party ads and accessibility
In today’s digital landscape, advertisements permeate nearly every corner of our browsing experiences. Regrettably, these ads are often inaccessible. As an example, within my ongoing project, we have ads that refresh every few seconds. This refresh cycle can cause a disconcerting situation: as users tab through the ad, it can… read more
A Brief History of Web Layouts
The weeb has been around for almost 30 years and for that time it involved from simple documents to full-fledged apps. In this article, I am going to cover some of the main events regarding Layout on the Web: No layout, just simple documents I am not sure if Tim Berners-Lee envisioned the web as… read more
Using GitLab to build, test and deploy modern front end applications
I’ve been using GitLab and Firebase separately as tools for around 4 years and after I struggling with integrating deployment into my development process, finally around 1 year ago... read more
Create simple react-head component using react portals
I like React and its ecosystem but I don’t like the idea of installing hundreds of dependencies for everything. And I don’t want to use… read more
bgweb.bg или какво и как оценяваме?
Опитах се да намеря какви са критериите за оценка на участниците, но така и не разбрах, а и не ми отговориха след като ги попитах във… read more
The web sucks because of us
Most of the web sucks today, and the reason for that are the people who actually create it, web developers. With sucks I mean: bad UX, bad… read more
How the world of front-end development changed in just three years
Three years ago I worked on a big Angular project, which took like six months to finish. Nowadays I only maintain this project and maybe… read more
Building progressive web online store
Building online store is challenging, especially nowadays when everyone uses a mobile device; and because I like challenges I tried to… read more
Serverless online store with Firebase
Background story: My brother has an online business, a small shop. It was ready-to-use PHP solution, but during the years cost me a lot of… read more
How to start your next front end project
Starting a new project is always exciting, but also might be tedious with all preparations which need to be done at the beginning, or you… read more
Me and web 10 years later
On this day 2007, I started my first full-time job as a web developer, there are some memories from that experience. read more
My feeling about Elm
I do not remember when heard about Elm for the first time but is been an year and a half since I began to play with it, every few months I… read more
Automate Preact deployment with Firebase and Travis CI
I have been working on a small side project for a couple of weeks and finally, reached the step in which I have to deploy my code and show… read more
Houdini is like Babel but for CSS
or what I learned about Houdini after spent a week reading the current specification. read more
CSS Day 2017
This fifth edition of CSS Day was held on June 16th and 17th at Compagnietheater, Amsterdam. The first day was dedicated to the Browser API… read more
A list of podcasts about Web development
I like to listen to podcasts, especially when I am in a train or run in the park, that is one of my ways to keep up to date with things… read more
Learn RxJS by examples
RxJS is a javascript library that brings the concept of “reactive programming” to the web, a quite powerful idea of transforming… read more
Improve your JavaScript code quality with the right tools
Or a list of few tools which I use in every project read more
Hype driven development
I’ve been doing web development since 2005, for that period of time the web platform changed so many times and I had to learn an enormous… read more
It’s fetch time or: How I stopped using http libraries
I still remember the first time when read about Fetch API few years ago somewhere in Chromium’s change log. I was excited by its simplicity… read more
Don’t judge a website by its design
Have you ever seen a situation when someone releases a new website, and people start talking: the color scheme is wrong, it is too 2002… read more
Naive functional programming in JS
A few months back I started with learning Haskell, my only goal was to learn the basics of functional programming and apply those skills to… read more
My first Progressive Web App
It is been almost 1.5 years since heard term Progressive Web Apps (PWA) for very first time while watching Chrome Dev Summit live stream… read more
Web is Native
The year is 2012, at I was working as web developer and learning android in my spare time, planing to become mobile developer but one day I… read more
Performance and Web Animation
The last few years the mobile web is growing really fast, but there are still lots of problems that must be solved in order to achieve a… read more
How to kill web performance
Recently I have worked on two web projects, the goal was creating new responsive web design, because mobile traffic of those pages grown… read more
Contact me
I like to
about web development,
sometimes I even write about it in
I can be reached at